Tuesday 20 July 2010

Just a little note...

...Coz I'm really tired. Been running around doing all sorts for the last couple of days. Scrubby's possibly had food poisoning and maybe a touch of the flu so I've been doing more around the house which has totally made my body wonder what's going on lol!! I'm hoping to hold out until he's better so that my body can collapse in a tired heap of achy muscles and sleepy sighs and then he can look after me lol :oD

Bought some more storage for the craft room so I'm hopefully gunna do some more to there to sort it all out - STILL!! I'll probably have a nap at some point to catch up on missed sleep and hopefully it won;t be a sleepy day like the other sunday! Not good!! Too much to do, so little time to sleep lol!!

Found some great bargains today craft wise so some are for me and some for my 1 year youtube anniversary lol :oD yeyy!!! Can;t believe I posted my first video almost a year ago!! As it was a tour of my messy craft room, I'm gunna do another tour of this room, one year on - hopefully it won;t be AS messy as before lol!!!

Anyway, sweet dreams xx

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